This property is a land that is available for sale. It is located in Ban Lat, Phetchaburi. You can buy this land for a base price of ¥45,161,000 (-).
Land for sale with buildings, Ban Lat, Phetchaburi Province
Asset information
Asset code L081570
Property type Land
Land size 0-3-34.00 rai
Land with factory
Interesting highlights
Land with factory, on the road
Strong structure
Convenient transportation
Nearby places
- Wat Tha Chai Siri
- Wat Mai Ruak Sukharam
- Phetchaburi Museum
- Wat Hat Sai School
- Samo Prue Subdistrict Administrative Organization
Asset information
Asset code L081570
Property type Land
Land size 0-3-34.00 rai
Land with factory
Interesting highlights
Land with factory, on the road
Strong structure
Convenient transportation
Nearby places
- Wat Tha Chai Siri
- Wat Mai Ruak Sukharam
- Phetchaburi Museum
- Wat Hat Sai School
- Samo Prue Subdistrict Administrative Organization
- リストアップされた日付 12月 26, 2024
- 最終更新日 12月 26, 2024
- 物件の種類 Land
- 階 -
- ベッドルーム -
- 価格/m² -
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